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The Benefits of Having an HVAC Maintenance Plan

Some people avoid maintenance plans because they don't want to have to pay for the associated costs. However, a maintenance plan can save you money in the long term. Without a maintenance plan, you might not recognize problems with the unit until the issues are pretty bad, which could mean higher costs for repairs.
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10 Benefits of Having a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat allows you to monitor how much energy your heating and cooling systems use daily. This can help you ensure the system is working properly and not wasting energy. If there’s an issue with the system, these devices will alert you.
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8 Ways of Cutting Down Your Electricity Bill This Summer

During the summer months, your utility bill can be higher than usual. You may use your air conditioner to keep cool, but you are also running the fan, appliances, and lights. The good news is that there are a few simple ways of reducing energy consumption to cut down on your electric bill this summer.
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Spring Cleaning Tasks to Benefit Your HVAC System

All the contaminants that settle into your vents and air ducts must come from somewhere. Sure, plenty of airborne pollutants come in from outside, but many of them also get picked up from inside your home. Even if you'll never eliminate all the dust and pollen from your household, it's still worthwhile to remove as much of it as you can.
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Indoor Air Quality Solutions to Help Alleviate Your Allergies

One important indoor air quality factor that many people tend to ignore is their HVAC system’s air filter. In most cases, you should replace or wash your air filter every one to three months. However, if you live in a dusty area or suffer from frequent allergies, you should replace your filter much more often.
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A Guide to How a Furnace Works

A furnace works through heating cycles to ensure the air is thoroughly and properly heated. A pipe connects gas to your furnace either from underground pipes or your LPG gas, which is normally placed outside the house. The burner lights the gas as it enters the furnace. Cold air is sucked into the furnace from your home. The cold air is then warmed in the heat exchanger, which is composed of a series of sheets.
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Choosing the Best Furnace in Western NC

Initial and running costs are essential to consider because they determine how much you save in the long run. Electricity furnaces are the cheapest to buy and install. With gas and oil furnaces, you have to buy other parts like exhausts and make a new connection to the power grid.
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